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The Real Housewives of Adverse city 3 Page 4

  Avery listened and tears streamed down her face. “Maybe you’re right. Meesha doesn’t deserve to be hurt and neither do I. I don’t know what I was thinking. How can he love me? I’m probably not the first woman he’s stepped out on his marriage with. What about that woman, Liam’s biological mother? He was probably smashing her too. I’ve been so blind, Eva.”

  “Maybe you have, Avery, but thank God, now you see.”

  Chapter 5

  “All relationships go through hell, real ones get through it.” Heartfelt quotes

  Peyton sat outside, in the large open area, in front of the infinity pool, while she patiently waited for her water therapy session to start. Getting in the salt-water pool made her feel relaxed. The water was warm and refreshing. She was thankful that she could live the kind of life she was living and have money of her own. Whether Derek walked out of her life or not, she was more than financially self-sufficient. The thing is she wanted her marriage to work. It was not about who had the most money. Sure, Derek had become quite successful and beyond rich. His money could easily rival the money from her long stream of family money, but what she wanted was her husband, her son, and a happy life with the man who she had given her heart to fourteen years ago.

  “How are you this afternoon?” Derek walked up behind her, startling her.

  Peyton whipped around in the electric chair. She’d become somewhat of a pro at maneuvering it.

  “Hi. I’m good. Sitting out here waiting on Sharon and Jack to get here for my water therapy. What’s up?”

  “Just thought I’d come by and check on you between meetings.” Derek looked at her and it almost made Peyton feel somewhat uneasy.

  “What is it? You’re looking at me like you have something on your mind. Say what it is.”

  “Everything’s good. I do want to tell you that I’m proud of you. You’re working really hard. I’ve spoken to the therapists. They say you’re progressing faster than expected. Hopefully, you’ll be able to get up out of that chair and start putting some weight on your legs in a couple weeks.”

  “Yeah, that’s what the orthopedic doctor says. I’m doing everything he tells me to do, and this water therapy really does help.”

  “As for your drinking or should I say not drinking, I’m impressed with that, too. Your alcohol counselor says you’re following the program to a tee. That’s good to hear. You look better, your mood is brighter, and your complexion is almost glowing.”

  Peyton smiled. “Thanks. I’m glad you feel like that. I am working hard. I know I’ve been a big disappointment to you and to our son, and I can’t stop telling you how sorry I am. I’ve messed up royally, Derek, and I know that. For God’s sake, I could have lost my life or be a cripple for the rest of my life, but God saw fit, for whatever reason, to save me. Now I have another chance. For that, I’m grateful. I know you aren’t in love with me anymore, and I’m coming to terms with that too. Do I want our marriage to work? Yes. Would I like us to be one big happy family like we used to be so many years ago? Of course. But I’m no fool either. My counselor has helped me realize a lot of things about myself. One thing I’ve learned is that before I can truly love someone else, or be good to or for someone else, I have to learn how to love me.” Peyton pointed to herself and then continued talking. “Drinking gave me a means of escape. An escape from all of the things I’d done, like when I took Liam. I’ve done so much wrong, Derek, and having a ton of money doesn’t, or can’t, erase it because it’s forever etched in my mind. I think about the way I’ve treated, or should I say mistreated you, over the years. You’re a good man and I have never deserved you, but I can’t turn back the hands of time. I can do nothing to change the past. All I can do is try to make sure Liam has a better future.”

  “You don’t have to say all of this now, Peyton. Just continue to work on you. Believe it or not, I’m not perfect either.” He chuckled.

  “Really?” Peyton said and laughed herself. “I thought you were the one who does everything oh so right.”

  “I wish,” Derek replied. “I haven’t always been the best husband. I’ve fallen short in supporting you. I guess I found it easier to point the finger at you for all the wrong things you did instead of looking at myself and trying to be a better man, a better husband, and a better friend. Anyway, it is what it is, and for what it’s worth, I don’t hate you, Peyton. I care about you. I care about you a lot.”

  “I believe that, Derek.”

  Derek looked at his Apple watch. “I better head back to the bank and get prepared for this meeting. Liam should be home soon.”

  “Yeah, he’s at lacrosse practice. He’s really excelling in the sport.” Peyton smiled proudly.

  “Yes, he is. That’s our kid. I’m proud of him.”

  “Me, too.”

  “Excuse me, Mrs. Hudson; are you ready to start your session?” Sharon walked out to the pool area and asked.

  “Hi, Sharon,” said Derek.

  “Hello, Mr. Hudson.”

  Hi, Sharon. Hello, Jack. Jack appeared behind Sharon.

  “Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Hudson,” Jack said.

  “Your wife is doing great with her therapy, Mr. Hudson,” Sharon commented.

  “She swims like a fish,” added Jack.

  “I’m glad to hear that. Do you think she’ll be able to start putting weight on her legs anytime soon?”

  “I’m only the therapist,” said Sharon, “but I’ve seen enough of these types of injuries to be able to say I think in the next couple of weeks, she should be able to start putting weight on them. The water is good and you all are fortunate to have this warm salt-water pool. It’s good for Mrs. Hudson. It has helped speed up her recovery. Everyone isn’t so blessed,” said Sharon.

  Peyton nodded.

  “Well, I’ve got to get out of here. Have a good session.” Derek walked over to Peyton and kissed her lightly on the cheek, surprising her.

  It had been months since he had touched her and Peyton longed for his expert lovemaking. She wanted to feel needed, loved, and desired again. It was during moments like this when she would turn to drinking to shield the desires burning inside, but that was in the past. She was determined not to put another alcoholic beverage of any kind up to her lips ever again. Only God would be able to hold her to that promise.

  “See you tonight, that is, if you plan on coming home for dinner,” she suggested.

  Since he and Liam moved back in the house, Derek spent little time having family dinners. There were days he would meet Liam at some restaurant for dinner or he would bring home something but as for the three of them spending family time together, it was basically nonexistent. Peyton told herself that she should be satisfied that he and Liam had moved back into the house, even if it was only because of her accident that he’d returned. She missed their past life together, imperfect as it was, but she was determined not to force Derek into anything. Her counselor reiterated that she had to work on herself and everything else would have its proper place. Peyton prayed that the counselor knew what she was talking about.

  “I’m not sure,” was Derek’s response. “I’ll call or text you and let you know. If I do come home, I’ll be sure to let the chef know to prepare enough for me. Anything particular you want?”

  “Not really. You know me, I can always eat pasta.”

  Derek smiled that handsome, captivating smile that Peyton had come to love and adore. She smiled back. “Okay, just let me know.”

  “I will. Have a good session,” he said. “Thanks again for helping my wife,” he said to Sharon and Jack before disappearing inside the house with Peyton’s eyes glued on his perfect physique. “Let’s get this party started,” she turned and said to the therapists when he was beyond her view.

  “Let’s do it,” said Sharon. Jack and Sharon walked up to Peyton when she got next to the pool. Jack made sure the motorized lifter was in the right position. Once she was on it, she removed her mobilizers, and then secured herself with the strap on the lifte
r. Jack placed the attached remote control inside Peyton’s hand.

  Peyton maneuvered the lifter until she was over the pool and then pressed the Down lever to lower herself into the warm water. Sharon got in the pool while Jack remained out of the pool until Peyton was in the water deep enough. Sharon stood next to Peyton for support while Peyton moved off of the chair lifter and was in the five feet deep water.

  They began her therapy and for the next hour they worked harder than ever.

  When she was done, Peyton reached for the remote, lowered the chair down low enough for her to get back in the seat and bring her out of the water. She transitioned back into her chair.

  “Great job,” said Jack.

  “You are one determined lady,” Sharon praised.

  “I have to be. I have a full life I want to live,” Peyton said. “I’ve been given another chance. I don’t want to blow it.”

  “Good for you,” Sharon said while Jack walked over to the towel rack and returned with a large towel and handed it to Peyton. Peyton dried herself off. When she was done, she headed toward the pool house where she had things set up inside to take a shower.

  “We’re going to rest and in about thirty minutes, we’ll go inside the main house and start on your other leg exercises,” Sharon told her.

  “If you don’t mind, I’d like to do them out here this afternoon. It’s such a beautiful day and the view of the ocean is breathtaking. I love being out here. It revitalizes me and gives me renewed energy.”

  “I have no problem with that,” Sharon said. “Do you, Jack?”

  “I’m all for it. Mrs. Hudson’s right; it’s like a slice of heaven out here.”

  “Mrs. Hudson, would you like a snack before you start your next session?” her personal chef appeared and asked.

  “I think I would. Could you prepare some light sandwiches, enough for me, Sharon, and Jack?”

  “Of course. I’ve already made a fresh pitcher of lemonade if you’d like me to bring it out.”

  “You read my mind. Yes, please bring it on out.”

  The chef turned and walked back inside. Moments later, while Sharon and Jack did some light exercises with Peyton, the chef returned with a tray of delicious looking finger sandwiches and the pitcher of fresh squeezed lemonade.

  Liam entered the massive family room where he found his mother sitting in front of the television. “Dad just texted me. He says to tell you that he has to work late and won’t be home for dinner.”

  Disappointed, Peyton said, “Awe, I hate to hear that. I was hoping the three of us could enjoy a meal together. But I’m sure if he could be here he would.”

  “Yeah,” said, Liam. “I’m going to eat in my room. If that’s okay with you.”

  “Honey, I was hoping that you would at least stay and eat with me.”

  “If you really want me to I will, but I wanted to chill and watch this movie on Netflix. You don’t like thrillers so I know you wouldn’t be interested.”

  Peyton smiled slightly. “Go ahead, enjoy yourself. Will you go in the kitchen and tell Mrs. Garcia to whip up something quick and easy. Let her know your father won’t be joining us, too.”

  “Sure, Mom.”

  Liam disappeared, leaving Peyton alone with her thoughts and her desire for a drink that was growing stronger by the minute. It was times like this that the desire for alcohol hit her hardest. Being left alone, feeling rejected by the very ones she loved, was hard to take. Derek told her he would call or text her, but instead he called Liam, anything to keep from talking directly to her. At least that’s how she viewed it. He probably was seeing someone else, and if he was Peyton couldn’t blame him. She had been a poor wife and if someone else had pulled him, she could only blame herself.

  Mrs. Garcia entered the family room pushing a cart with Peyton’s food, which included a full course meal, dessert, and beverage.

  “Mrs. Garcia, do you mind taking my food to my room? I don’t feel like eating in this big room all by myself.”

  “Yes, Mrs. Hudson. Do you need help to get on the stair lift?

  “Liam is here. Just send him back down here. He’ll see to it that I get on it safely.”

  “I don’t mind helping you, or I can get the nurse, if she’s still here,” Mrs. Garcia offered.

  “The nurse has left for the evening.”

  “Liam is already upstairs, Mrs. Hudson. That boy is probably sitting in front of the television in his study eating like there’s no tomorrow while watching that show he loves.” Mrs. Garcia laughed.

  Peyton smiled. “You’re probably right. I’ll meet you at the foot of the stairs,” she said.

  Mrs. Garcia watched as Peyton transferred herself to the stair lift. She pushed the button and it began taking her up the staircase where a manual wheelchair sat in the corner.

  Mrs. Garcia hurried up the stairs to meet Peyton at the top of the stairs and pulled the second chair close enough where Peyton could transfer to it. Once she was seated, she rolled to her master bedroom.

  There were seven bedrooms upstairs and five bathrooms. Derek slept in one of them at the other end of the hall. Liam had his own wing on the other side of the house with a study, game room, and a guest room for him and his friends when they came over.

  Mrs. Garcia went back downstairs and returned with a tray of scrumptious food. Beef Wellington, risotto, and a green beans and asparagus casserole. Dessert was a slice of triple chocolate cake with sweet tea and a glass of water that accompanied the meal. It was far from the quick and easy meal she asked Mrs. Garcia to prepare, but Peyton was not complaining.

  While Peyton dined alone, she read a chapter of one of the books she had started until she finished eating. Afterwards, she showered and got ready to relax for the night.

  Peyton tossed and turned in the bed, unable to sleep or find the perfect position. She reached for the remote control next to the king-sized bed and pushed the button. A 65-inch television rose out of the foot of the bed. Peyton pushed the channel button and scrolled through the guide until she found one of the reality shows she watched from time to time.

  Tears began to flow out of nowhere. She couldn’t control herself. She was hurting, not physically but her heart hurt something terrible. She had ruined her life and everyone’s life around her. Liam’s biological mother, Breyonna, was dead, Carlton’s marriage had been on shaky ground until lately, and her marriage was as dead as a pet rock.

  She turned off the television and wept. She didn’t hear anyone enter the room so she was startled when she heard Derek’s voice.

  “Peyton, what is it?” he asked as he sat down on the bed next to her. “Are you in pain? What can I do?” His voice sounded genuinely sympathetic.

  Peyton refused to turn over and face him. She didn’t want him to see her boo-hooing like a little baby. She didn’t want his pity either—she wanted his love. She needed to be touched, made love to.

  Somehow, Derek must have sensed her agony. He leaned over and grabbed her into his arms as he got in the bed next to her.

  “It’s going to be all right. It takes time,” he said, holding on to her like he would never let her go.

  Did he realize what he was doing?

  “Stop it, Derek!” she screamed and pushed away from out of his arms.

  He jumped back and Peyton turned toward him and looked into his seeking eyes. “You’re only making it worse.”

  “What?” he asked. “Did I hurt you?”

  “No, I’m not in pain. At least not that kind of pain. I’ve made a mess of everything,” she cried. “Our marriage, our lives. My son barely speaks to me. You barely speak to me. No one wants to be around me. I can’t walk. I’ve ruined it all. I’m just so sorry. I know I can never make it up to you, and I understand that. But it doesn’t make it any better for me. I feel so alone. Drinking at least would numb these feelings.”

  Derek stiffened. She could tell he didn’t like her talking about her alcohol addiction. “So that’s what you want to do? You want
a drink, Peyton? After everything you just said, you can still think about drinking when you know it’s what ruined everything?”

  “I can think about it and I probably always will, but I will never ever take another drink. I’ll literally die before I do that. I’m just saying that it hurts like hell to be in this big ole room night after night, all alone, when my husband sleeps in the other room. It’s hard to face the fact that you don’t want or desire me anymore. I’m just, just tired of it all.” Peyton began to weep again, this time almost uncontrollably.

  Derek looked at his wife. She was still beautiful. She always had been. There were women out there who he thought about being with but somehow, he hadn’t crossed that line. He had gotten awfully close but the fact remained that he hadn’t, and he didn’t want to. He wanted to honor his vows and his marriage. That was one thing that he was determined to do until God gave him direction about whether or not he would stay with her or whether he and Peyton would get a divorce.

  He reached over to his left side and got a couple of tissues and wiped Peyton’s tears. Then he used the back of his hand to wipe more of her tears as they fell like a waterfall from her beautiful blue green eyes.

  He kissed the top of her head and inhaled the sweet fragrance of her freshly shampooed hair. She smelled divine and his urges overtook him as his manhood began to take over his thinking. His hands roamed over her body, taking in every curve, every mound, and the thickness of her. She was as soft as a satiny pillow and her scent drove him wild. The mixture of her salty tears with her sweet lips caused him to groan as his hands lifted her gown and explored her fully. He missed her. She didn’t smell like alcohol and he was totally into her.