The Real Housewives of Adverse city 3 Read online

Page 17

  “Yeah, we can’t do our gossip thing or find out what’s going on with each other when we’re in church,” Peyton agreed.

  “You got that right. I guess each of us has had some kind of drama going on in our lives.”

  “Yes, I know for a fact that Eva is a train wreck. I can tell something is going on with her, probably Harper and his always busy schedule, but she’ll have to fill us in on that situation—that is if she wants to talk about it. Anyway, I’ll send out a group text and see what Eva and Avery are up to.”

  “Okay, bye, Peyton. Talk to you later.”

  Impromptu ladies’ day out. Are you ladies available for a late lunch today. Around 1 or 1:30? texted Peyton to all of the housewives.

  Each of them responded with a “Yes.” They agreed to meet at Peyton’s house.

  Peyton got her personal chef to prepare veggie wraps, salad fixings, chips, salsa, and a gallon of lemon-iced tea. The chef made non-bake, nondairy, peanut fudge brownies for dessert.

  Peyton had everything set up in the backyard around the outside kitchen. She was beginning to enjoy entertaining.

  When the ladies arrived, the chef remained in the outside kitchen preparing fun, colorful non-alcoholic drinks. The ladies sat around and ate, talked, laughed, and then ate, talked, and laughed some more. Each of them appeared happy to get away from their typical days and enjoyed spending time with one another.

  Out of all the housewives, Peyton and Derek had the most money. Granted, all of them were rich beyond measure, but with Peyton already being loaded and when Derek sold his first app he reportedly made millions. Now from what Peyton just shared with the ladies, he was about to release another successful App that techies were already vying to buy. Peyton said this one could rake in close to a half billion dollars for Derek! Their money made the rest of them look like paupers.

  The housewives sat outside on the private beachfront, sipping on their virgin daiquiris and margaritas. The wind was brisk, causing their hair to blow against their faces.

  “When is Harper coming back?” Peyton asked.

  “He came back a few days ago, but he just flew right back out of town a couple of hours ago. This time he’s traveling with his television show. They’re going to small towns all over the country filming and interviewing people who have survived major heart attacks or health scares. He’ll be gone for another few weeks.”

  “He’s taking a lot of time off from Adverse General isn’t he?”

  “Yeah, but he’s still able to fulfill his responsibilities as Chief Medical Director. Technology makes that easy. The only thing he can’t do is surgery, of course. Plus, Harper is a more than generous donor to that hospital so they’re not going to ruffle his feathers…not to mention the connections he has with those who wouldn’t stand for him to be booted out of that position.”

  “I heard that,” said Peyton. “I know you’re missing him,” Peyton said like she was fishing for some answers.

  Eva shrugged “You know what, I never thought I’d say this, but I’m used to it.”

  “Yeah, girl but sleeping alone in that big bed night after night has to be hard. You’re a young girl. I know you want to get your groove on.”

  “No worries. We make up for lost time when he is in town,” Eva quickly responded, knowing full well that she was partially lying. Truth be told, Harper usually wanted to have sex like a rabbit when he returned home, but it wasn’t like he did it because he missed her. It was more like he wanted to see if she had been with someone else. She didn’t know why she felt that way about their sex life, but she did. Yet, she gave him whatever he wanted to keep him at peace.

  “I heard that. Sounds like something’s up with that,” Peyton pushed.

  “She told you what was up,” Avery spoke up. “So why don’t you just shut up and back off, Peyton. You talk too daggone much.”

  “Okay, ladies. Let’s not do this. We haven’t enjoyed each other’s company in a while. No need to ruin it with bickering,” Meesha intervened.

  “If we didn’t do that then it wouldn’t be us,” Avery retorted.

  “Well, since you don’t want me to say anything to your bestie over there, tell us how are you doing, Miss Thang?” Peyton reverted her attention to Avery. “You’re glowing.”

  Avery smiled. “Ryker and I are great. I’m not dealing with PPD anymore. The kids are happy, the hubby is happy, and that makes me happy.”

  “Good for you,” Meesha said.

  Avery snapped her neck around and looked at Meesha like she was surprised to hear her wish her well.

  “Thanks, Meesha, which brings us to you. How are you and Carlton? From what I see on Sundays seems like you two are doing good, too,” Avery said and smiled.

  “Yeah, how are you and Carlton?” Eva asked, looking at Meesha with suspicion. “Girl, you got that man preaching like a new kid on the block.”

  “I keep waiting on him to break out in one of those New Edition dances,” added Peyton.

  All the ladies broke out into loud laughter.

  “You can’t talk, lady,” said Meesha. “I keep expecting Derek to jump off the bench and do one of those two step hallelujah moves.”

  Avery laughed louder than any of them.

  “Hold up, Avery. We haven’t forgotten about Attorney Mitchelson,” Peyton mocked.

  “Yep, you must be putting that whip appeal on him ‘cause it sounded like you had that man speaking in tongues last Sunday.”

  The ladies laughed hard and long. It felt good to be surrounded by one another.

  Eva looked over at Avery. She felt happy for her best friend. She was thrilled when Avery told her that RJ wasn’t Carlton’s kid, but she still thought that Carlton got off scot-free. He had hurt Avery deeply, cheated on sweet Meesha, and so far, he’d gotten out of it all without so much as a scratch. Sunday after Sunday he stood in the pulpit preaching the gospel when Eva considered him to be nothing more than a hypocrite.

  Lately, Avery kept her distance as much as possible from Carlton. There was a time she would stand in line after church services to shake his hand, but that was no more. Ryker asked her about the change a time or two, but she used the excuse that she needed to go straight to the church nursery to pick up RJ. He must have bought it because he stopped asking her about it, and began to accompany her to go get the little boy and the girls.

  No one knew, but Avery was actually terrified of Carlton ever since she made a surprise visit to the church one day, a few weeks ago. She brought RJ with her to the church with the intention of putting Carlton on edge about the truth of the boy’s paternity. Things backfired rather quickly.

  Carlton ushered her quickly into his office when his administrative assistant told him that she was at the church and said it was urgent that she see him. He was livid. The nerve of her. Behind closed doors, Avery mocked and teased him and then did the unthinkable—she threatened to tell Meesha about their fling.

  “I’ve made up my mind to tell Ryker the truth. If you don’t tell Meesha, then I’m going to tell her, too,” Avery told him that day.

  “You have some nerve, coming up in here and making idle threats. Do you know who I am and what I can do to you?” he said, walking up on her and getting all the way up in her face.

  RJ looked at Carlton as the man breathed down on his mother.

  “This could be your son and you want to get all up on me? I think not. You should want to know if he’s yours or not. Look at him…he looks just like you.”

  “Lies you tell,” Carlton bit back. “That brat looks nothing like me. He could be anybody’s kid knowing the way you’ve made yourself available for every Tom, Dick and Harry.”

  Avery pushed him with one hand while holding on to RJ with the other, then hauled off and slapped Carlton as hard as she could.

  Carlton pushed her against the wall of the office, wrapped his massive hand around her neck, and almost pulled her up off the ground. He held her like that until he saw her struggling to breath, turn a deep pur
plish red, and she almost dropped her baby. He gave her one last hard push before releasing her.

  “Don’t you ever come near me again and don’t you ever try to pin this brat on me. Do you hear me?” he said, so close to her that spittle flew in her face.

  Avery’s eyes almost popped out of her head. She was terrified. She had witnessed Carlton’s fury firsthand before, but never to this extent. It was only through words that he displayed his anger. He had never laid hands on her like this.

  “You know what?” he said, stepping back. “You say this kid is mine, then give him here. Give me my son!” he snatched the baby out of her arms. “I’ll take him and I’ll raise him as mine.”

  RJ began crying loudly. “I’ll raise him right alongside my other kids. I’ll expose you for the lying, crazy, maniacal piece of trash that you are. When I’m done with you, not only will you lose this kid, you won’t have those two precious little girls of yours or your poor, unsuspecting husband.”

  Avery ran up on him, reaching out to grab hold of the crying baby, but Carlton laughed while holding her back with his free hand.

  “Give me my baby, Carlton. Please, I’ll go. Just give me my son,” Avery cried and begged.

  “Oh, so now you want to cry. I thought you said this was my kid. I don’t know if I want to give him back, Avery.”

  “Please, I came here to tell you that he isn’t your son. He…Ryker is his father.”

  “Is that so?”

  “Yes, I promise. Wait, let me show you. Just don’t hurt my baby, Carlton. Pleease…” She frantically pulled off the shoulder bag she carried and then proceeded to rummage through it until she pulled out the piece of paper that showed the DNA results. “Here…see. Look,” she sobbed.

  Carlton, still holding the squealing baby, snatched the paper out of Avery’s hand and began to read the results. A wicked, but satisfying smile appeared on his face as he chuckled out loud. “I knew this brat wasn’t mine.”

  He shoved the kid back into Avery’s arms. “Do us all a favor. Finish the job you failed to do last year. Kill yourself,” he barked. Next, with gritted teeth, and a balled fist, he opened the office door, looked up and down the hall to make sure no one was there, before pushing her out into the hall, screaming baby and all, slamming the door behind her.

  The more Avery pondered over her situation, the more she was grateful that RJ was not Carlton’s child. She could have lost out on a good man in Ryker, and seeing the evil side of Carlton, she was so very thankful that she hadn’t divulged anything to her husband or to Meesha.

  Now that she was legally married after all these years, things between them were better. Avery felt that her marriage was stronger. Maybe it was because for the first time in years, she was happier and she felt fulfilled for once in her life.

  Not being married to Ryker all of those years had caused her to have feelings of extreme self-doubt and low self-esteem. Maybe that was the reason she had so easily succumbed to Carlton. She felt that she was not good enough for Ryker or any man. She had given her husband two beautiful girls but he never thought she deserved to officially wear his name. All of that had changed and with her regular monthly visits to her therapist, Avery was learning some great coping skills.

  “Peyton, what did you say is going on with you and Derek?” asked Avery.

  “Ladies, I’m telling you, I can’t complain one bit. You know, after the party, he moved back into the bedroom and let’s just say, he’s not slacking between the sheets.” Peyton laughed again and the other ladies joined in, taking sips of their drinks.

  “What about you and Liam? How are you two getting along? I know the teenage years can be rough,” Meesha said.

  “Actually, we’re good, too. That boy has such a gentle spirit. He’s really a great kid. He doesn’t give us a moment’s trouble. I think he has a little girlfriend too,” Peyton added.

  “Oh, girl, you better watch out. I hope Derek has had the talk with him,” said Meesha

  “Yes, Derek has had the talk, and I think Liam is a responsible young man.”

  “It’s not Liam I would be worried about,” Avery said, interjecting into the conversation. “It’s these hot tail girls.”

  “Yeah, you got that right,” Peyton said. “Since we’re talking about children, I want you all to tell me what you think about this.”

  “Think about what?” Meesha asked.

  “Yeah, what?” asked Eva.

  “I have an appointment with a fertility specialist.”

  “What? A fertility specialist?” Avery yelped. “For what?”

  “Duh, what do you go to a fertility specialist for, Avery?”

  “Are you serious?” Avery said. “Surely you can’t be thinking about having a baby.”

  “And why can’t she?” Meesha asked.

  “I want to give Derek a baby and Liam a brother or sister.”

  “Why would you want to do that? Liam is sixteen, and you want to have a baby now? Wow, I’m shocked,” Avery said. “You’re pushing forty!”

  “Excuse YOU. You’re thirty-nine and you just had RJ, aaand for your information, I am thirty-seven years old, that’s a long way from forty. I still have eggs! Thank you, ma’am.” Peyton said with attitude.

  “I say go for it. I wish I could have a baby,” said Eva.

  “Eva, it’s different with you. You’re still young enough to have kids. You just have to get that loopy husband of yours to reverse his vasectomy,” said Peyton.

  “Or dump him and get you one that’s good and fertile,” Avery mocked.

  “Seriously, have you ever been pregnant?” Meesha asked Peyton, refocusing the conversation back on her. “And I’m not trying to be mean. I’m just curious.”

  “No, I haven’t, and I’ve never been on birth control, except for a very short period of time when I was in high school. I just haven’t gotten pregnant.”

  “Is it Derek? Maybe he’s sterile,” said Eva.

  “No, it’s not him. Years ago we both went to fertility specialists and everything was fine for both of us. The doctor had no reason to give for me not getting pregnant. Of course I’m not sure if anything has changed since then. But I should still have eggs left, and I want to try.”

  “What does Derek say about it?” Avery asked.

  “I haven’t talked it over with him yet. I want to see what the fertility specialist says first before I approach him with the idea. I wanted to see what you ladies thought about it. I think he’ll be all for it.”

  Meesha shrugged. “I’m like Eva, I say go for it, then. I hope everything works out for you.”

  “Yeah, do it,” said Avery.

  “Eva, you’re mighty quiet over there. What are you thinking about or should I ask who are you thinking about?” Peyton probed. “Quentin Winters?”

  Eva reared back in her lounge chair. “Quentin Winters? Where did that come from?”

  “Girl, it may have been a while since Derek’s party, but I saw you two on the dance floor, all booed up. And since Harper isn’t handling his husbandly duties, it’s easy to see how a young, beautiful girl like you would set her sights on someone, especially someone like Quentin Winters. The man is a good catch for some lucky girl.”

  “You keep forgetting. I already have a husband. I’ve messed up once by cheating on Harper. I wouldn’t dare do that again. I met the man one time and now you’re trying to pair me up with him. Girl, get a life,” Eva snapped, not revealing her relationship with Quentin and the rescue shelter.

  Eva had only confided in Avery about her position at the rescue shelter and her blossoming friendship between her and Quentin. Almost every day when she was done with her culinary classes, she darted across the street to Quentin’s store. She found the work rewarding. There were times when she saw abused dogs and cats being brought into the shelter and her heart went out to the poor creatures. When she saw them blossom after receiving love and care, she felt proud of the work Quentin and his team were doing. She was glad to be part of it.
  Regardless of how he made butterflies flitter in her belly every time she was around him, she had learned not to cross Harper. She would never take that chance again.

  “Yeah, that’s it. Maybe it’s time you reevaluated your marriage. You haven’t seemed happy ever since you went back to him,” said Peyton.

  “I’m not one to advocate separating or divorcing so I can’t tell you what to do. If he’s abusive, then that’s a different story or if he’s committing adultery, then you have a way out,” Meesha explained.

  Avery eyed Eva knowingly and Eva eyed her back. The other ladies had no earthly idea about Harper, and days like today made her glad they didn’t know. She wouldn’t be able to withstand their criticism, judgment, or their pity.

  “I just want to finish culinary school,” Eva said sadly.

  Avery got up from her chair and walked over to the large table filled with food. She made herself a nice sized plate and began chomping on the food as soon as she placed it on her dish. “Ummmm, this is delicious. Eva, I bet yours is going to taste even better. Say, when are you going to make lunch or dinner for us?”

  “I don’t know. You all have to let me know and I’ll be glad to conjure up one of my delectable dishes,” Eva said, smiling and sounding more cheerful than she had since she arrived.

  “I’m in,” said Avery.

  “Agreed,” said Peyton, raising a glass of ice water to the sky.

  “Cool,” said Meesha.

  “All right, ladies…it’s settled. Next ladies’ day out will be at my house. I’m going to whip up something that will make you never want to eat anything but Eva’s cooking ever again!”

  The ladies laughed, clinked their glasses together, raised them in the air, and toasted, “To the Real Housewives of Adverse City.”

  Words from the Author

  If for any reason you believe that having money is the solution to all of your problems, then the characters of “The Real Housewives of Adverse City” should show you otherwise. There are some things money can hide, can make disappear, or bring temporary happiness. Yet, there are some things that we live with each day and even if we have money, and plenty of it, it will never bring us true peace of mind and satisfaction.