Beautiful Ugly Page 15
“Well, I want you to know that I’m proud of you for how hard you work to make our life as comfortable as it is.” Martha scanned the huge, lavishly furnished master bedroom and smiled. “I’m proud that you are a loving man, a man who treats me like a queen. I’m proud,” she continued to talk sexy, "that you are my king. And I’m definitely proud that you are a man of God…Trustee Riggs.” She lifted her head and leaned it back. When she puckered her lips, he leaned over again and this time kissed her with more passion.
“Thank you, baby. God is good and I pray that I will live up to what He has assigned me to do. Right now, I’m going to take a shower. I want to be nice and fresh for our celebration.” He grinned and winked his eye. He kissed her forehead. “Want to join me?”
Martha smiled. “Not this time, honey. I’ve already had mine.” She refocused on the book she was reading and Deacon retired to the bathroom. Underneath the jet spray, he pondered on what to do. “God, I’ve messed up. I need your help, please. Show me what to do, Lord.” He toweled off and then came out of the bathroom in his birthday suit. Martha’s eyes widened when she saw him. His body was muscular; his legs, deep brown. With each step he took toward the bed, she watched him until their eyes connected.
“Like what you see?” he asked.
“Always have,” answered Martha. Without saying anything else, Martha stood up and allowed her loose satin gown to fall from her shoulders down to the floor. The eight steps it took to make it from the chair to the bed proved long enough for Martha to meet her husband in her full nakedness. She stood on her tiptoes and kissed him with her own driving need of desire.
Deacon yielded to his need to be touched and his body craved hers. He gently took control and laid her down on the bed. For now, there were no more thoughts but those of pleasure, passion, and satisfaction.
Chapter Fourteen
Beauty is the gift from God. Aristotle
Weeks passed and Kacie hadn’t seen or heard from Deacon. She hadn’t been at Cummings Street Church since the installation service. She couldn’t trust what she would do when seeing Deacon in his newly appointed capacity.
Kacie met her doctor’s appointment before it was time for her to report to work. She only had to work a five hour shift today. The kids were at school, which made the day even more perfect. Now that Keshena was one year old, according to the Department of Human Services, she could go to daycare.
When she was called back to the patient area, the doctor performed an ultrasound.
“Your baby is growing. A big baby too.” The heavy accent of the nurse practitioner was barely understandable.
Kacie took her time replying. “All of my children were big babies when they were born,” she said nonchalantly. The practitioner’s mouth turned slightly upward. Kacie remained expressionless. She removed the remaining gel from Kacie’s growing belly.
“Do you want an ultrasound picture of your baby?” the doctor asked.
“Yes,” answered Kacie with a show of happiness on her face for the first time since she’d been in the room.
“You must take vitamins to build your iron.” The doctor wrote her a prescription.
“Is the expected delivery date still the same?” Kacie asked as she removed her legs from the stirrups and sat back on the table.
“Yes; middle of May. Maybe early. Maybe a little later. All up to the baby.” The doctor laughed. “But I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that.”
“No, I’m aware that they come when they want to, and not a minute before.”
Kacie left the doctor’s office and pinned the ultrasound picture at the top of her sun visor. Deacon, things will change when you see your child. Of all days, when she arrived at work, she found the store was busier than it had been in a long time. But she still kept thinking about Deacon’s stinging words. Here she was, pregnant by a married man.
Envy recalled that Kenny’s daddy was married when they messed around too, but at least she’d known it from the beginning because he was straight up with her. But Deacon…Deacon had purposely deceived her. She was going to do some investigating. She would find where he lived somehow, someway. He didn’t know who he was messing with, but Deacon Riggs was definitely going to find out. If he thought he was just going to disappear out on her and their child’s life, then he was in for a rude awakening. Not this time. This baby’s daddy was going to pay, and pay handsomely.
Kacie not only had plans to find where Deacon lived, but she was going to tell Mrs. Martha Riggs that she and Deacon and were madly in love. Deacon may have refused to accept the fact she was having his baby, but she wanted to hear for herself how Mrs. Riggs would feel once she told her.
Envy, much to Kacie’s surprise, came inside the store. Kacie was rearranging stock on one of the aisles when Envy saw her. “How are you, girl?” she asked when she noticed Kacie.
“What are you doing here?”
“I need some toiletries, so I thought I’d run in here on my way to the office. Are you all right? You look a little spaced out.”
“Naw, I’m not doing well at all. I’m still perturbed that I haven’t heard from Deacon since he popped up over my house a couple of week ago raising cane.” She whispered to make sure other customers couldn’t hear what she was telling Envy. “Remember I told y’all he had the nerve to not only deny the baby, but said he wants nothing to do with me.”
“I hate to say it, but—”
“Then don’t say it. I already know. But I’ll take care of it.” She forced tears to stay back while she followed Envy to the health and hygiene aisle.
“I hate to see you like this,” Envy leaned closer to Kacie who nervously started arranging items on that aisle as well, “but I’ve got to get to work.” She squeezed Kacie’s hand in support. “We’ll talk this out later. Until then, please, Kacie, don’t do or say anything that you’ll regret,” Envy pleaded.
“That’s one promise I don’t know if I can keep.”
“Look, I’ve got to get to the office, but please think about what I said. We’ll talk later,” said Envy and touched Kacie’s arm in a show of sympathy. “Bye.”
“Bye,” mumbled Kacie while she continued to nervously fiddle with the items on the shelf.
Envy stepped to her car and ignored the cat calls from a couple of guys entering the drugstore. She was used to men flirting with her so much that it had become a regular part of her day. The drive to the office didn’t take very long. She parked in the office garage and caught the elevator to her office.
Envy spoke to the administrative assistant and informed her that she would be in her office answering emails, phone calls, and completing paperwork. Envy’s mind, however, continued to center on Kacie’s problem. She truly felt sorry for Kacie, but there was nothing she knew to say or do that would help her through this crisis.
“Excuse me, Envy. You have a call on line one,” the administrative assistant conveyed through the intercom.
Envy picked up the phone. It was Leonard, one of her bedtime friends, something she’d started calling them when the number of men outnumbered their names.
“Good morning, Leonard. It’s rather early for a booty call, don’t you think? Plus, I’m at work. You, of all people, know that I don’t talk about nighttime pleasures when I’m at work.”
“It’s never too early when it comes to you.” His bold voice hinted a smattering of laughter. “The mere sound of your voice gives me pleasure.”
“Whatever, Leonard.” Envy continued to scan through her emails. Leonard was the only one of the numerous men she bedded who meant something to Envy. She liked his style, his cockiness, and he was quite a successful, confident man.
“I want you to have dinner with me this evening. It’s part business, and after business is over, I promise to give you all the pleasure your heart desires.” His voice was sexy, tender, and empowering. If anyone was capable of transforming her into a lovesick chick, it was Leonard. He was the one and only man she could easily fall in love wit
h if she didn’t keep her guards up. And she kept her guards up well.
“So what you’re really saying is that you need someone tonight to complement that Breitling on your wrist.” She spoke with assurance and rested the palm of her hand on her desk. She turned in her swivel office chair away from her computer and toward the picture window.
Her response sounded like it amused him because he laughed lightly before he responded. “Ahh, Breitling – extravagant and expensive. Envy…well, let’s just say, you’re exquisite and priceless.”
“Since you realize that nothing compares to me, I’ll take you up on your offer. What time will your driver arrive?”
“Seven. I can’t wait to see you,” he responded.
“You’ll have to.” Envy hung up the phone. Victory. Envy smiled, turned back toward her desk, and continued working.
Her day was full of clearing her desk of several projects, attending a manager’s meeting, and going over several items with her administrative assistant. Envy was winding down for the day. She shuffled through a few more folders of paperwork, and then received a call from the hospital that Mrs. Rawlings was being discharged. She looked at the time on her monitor. It was almost three o’clock. She wouldn’t have much time after picking up Mrs. Rawlings to get ready for her date with Leonard, but she had no choice.
She finished a memo, passed it to her administrative assistant to deliver, and left the office for the afternoon. Much to her surprise, it didn’t take long for Mrs. Rawlings to be discharged. On the way to take Mrs. Rawlings home, Envy stopped to get her neighbor’s prescriptions filled and to pick up a vegetable plate from a nearby restaurant.
“I sure am thankful that God sent you to me,” Mrs. Rawlings said out of nowhere.
Envy turned and looked at her for a second before she looked back at the road. “There is no need to thank me, Mrs. Rawlings. You’re my neighbor; you’re like a grandmother to me.” Envy cracked a small smile. “Even though you can be a little nosy, I love you.” Envy reached across the seat and squeezed Mrs. Rawlings’s age spotted hands.
“I only do what God tells me to do. Part of that means looking after you and telling you the truth. Now quit all of this talking and just get me home. I miss my plants and my garden.” She gave Envy a weird look. “Did you take care of my garden and my house?” She looked like she was expecting Envy to say that she didn’t have time.
“Yes, ma’am, I did. Before I stop talking, I want to tell you that I already made plans tonight; I didn’t know you were going to be discharged. I have a business meeting this evening. I’m not sure when I’m going to get back. Would you like Fischer to stay at your place for the evening? I’ll make sure I walk him before I leave, and if he acts like he just has to go out before I return, let him in the backyard, but not for long. Twenty minutes max.”
“Who are you telling about taking care of Fischer? Child, I know all about that dog. I miss him too. He’ll be good company. But don’t try to be slick with me. What you’re trying to say is that you won’t be coming back home from your, uh, business meeting.” Mrs. Rawlings frowned.
The expression on Envy’s face was one of a thief being caught in the middle of her thieving act. “That’s not what I mean at all. I thought you would enjoy seeing Fischer since it’s been almost two weeks that you’ve been away. I know he’s going to have a fit when he sees you. As for coming home tonight, I plan to…but if I don’t, you know how to call me, right?”
“Humph.” Mrs. Rawlings turned her head to look at the passing cars and scenery as Envy drove along.
Leonard’s driver rang the door promptly at seven o’clock. Mrs. Rawlings hovered at her window while Fischer jumped up next to her and pushed his wet nose against the window. Still weak from her hospital stay, Mrs. Rawlings didn’t bother to open her door and take a good look at the man to see if it was the same man, but it sure looked like the same limo.
Envy could feel Leonard’s gaze as she approached the open door of the limo. The side look she caught from the limo driver as he escorted her to the car reassured her of just how good she looked – not that she needed reassurance. She had no doubt she’d chosen well when she decided to wear a midnight black, form fitting, strapless dress over black, sheer leggings and metallic silver double beaded hoop earrings. Her shoes were snakeskin platform sandals with ankle strap fasteners and a large metallic buckle. A crystal hinged bracelet decorated her wrist, and the Chanel, of course made her irresistible.
Like a sleek runway model, Envy strolled to the limo with confidence clinging to her like a second layer of skin. She gathered her waist length jacket to shield her from the coolness of the night and seductively scooted into the seat next to Leonard.
When they arrived at the downtown bistro, the business meeting was intriguing to Envy. She loved sitting in on meetings that had the chance of leading to big decisions and risk taking changes. While she sipped on a cape style martini, Leonard’s financial savvy was evident, and toward the close of the business meeting, potential clients had signed on the dotted line. Another achievement on Leonard’s ladder of success as a top executive financier.
Envy eyed him with desire when he stood and extended his gratitude and goodbyes to his new clients. She studied his firm mouth that always seemed curled slightly upward in a smile. Muscular. Sinewy, classically handsome features and dark coffee skin like he’d been kissed by the sun. Hypnotic was an understatement when it came to describing Leonard Stein.
For several more minutes, Leonard and Envy remained in the restaurant and shared intimate conversation and club sodas.
“Why don’t we continue to celebrate my conquest by going to my condo?” With each word he spoke, Envy was drawn in more. “We can make the evening more romantic and fun by riding the trolley, if you’d like,” he suggested.
“I’d like that,” answered Envy. His gray temples and dark hair sent shivers up and down her arms.
Leonard pulled his cell phone from his inside coat pocket and told his driver about the change of plans. “Ready?” Leonard asked.
She nodded her head. Speech was no longer necessary. Leonard stood, pulled her chair out and lightly took hold of her soft as cotton hand. Helping her with her jacket, they left the restaurant hand in hand and in gaiety ran a short distance to catch the downtown trolley to his Madison West Condo.
Leonard wasted no time going after dessert. Once inside his lush condo, he eased Envy’s jacket from her shoulders and slid it down her slender arms. In one motion, she was in his arms. She put up no protest, allowing him to explore the hollows of her back. He ravished her and hungrily covered her mouth with his. Envy felt like she was being transported on a cloud when, with one swoop, Leonard eased her into his arms and carried her into his bedroom. She curled into the curve of his body and teased him with light kisses while he undressed her with skill, removing any barriers of fabric between them. The silk sheets served as an aphrodisiac, and her desire for him escalated. She arched her body toward his. Leonard pulled back gently, and used one hand to search for protection in the Victorian nightstand drawer.
The coolness of his fingertips brushed against her body. Be careful, don’t even entertain the idea of this relationship being anything more than what it is; friends with benefits.
Envy sensed that he was just as captivated by her as she was by him when she saw Leonard’s dark eyes fixed on hers. Envy gasped as he lowered his body atop hers. For now, everything felt right and good in Envy’s world. If only for one night.
Chapter Fifteen
I never saw an ugly thing in my life: for let the form of an object be what it may,
light, shade, and perspective will always make it beautiful. John Constable
The following Friday was girls’ night out. The three of them sat in Layla’s cozy living room, eating caramel popcorn and sipping on sodas. They laughed at the old DVD starring Vivica Fox: Two Can Play That Game. At the end of the movie, they began to talk about what was going on in each of
their lives; something they routinely did on nights like these.
“It’s not much that’s changed since our last night out. I’m working like a speed demon. Oh, and I interviewed for a director’s position in my department. I feel confident about it. There’s nothing I don’t know about quality, whether it’s at work or at play,” Envy proudly stated and took a swig of her soda.
“You know you can be so cocky at times,” Kacie told her. “I understand that you should have confidence and faith in yourself and abilities. But girl, you can come across as one of them uppity, know it all witches.”
Layla listened at the two of them. She was used to their bantering.
“Don’t be jealous, Kacie. If I got it like that, then I got it like that. See, the problem with you is that you lack self-esteem. You think you’re lucky if a man looks your way and gives you some time. Just because you have cerebral palsy doesn’t make you any less than the next female. You’re supposed to be the one that has the drawing power. But with you, it ain’t so. You’re the one that has what a man needs and wants. Didn’t God, say that when a man finds a woman he finds a good thing?”
Layla held up her hands. “Hold up, there. That’s not exactly what the Bible says, Envy,” she interrupted. “It says, he who findeth a wife, findeth a good thing. Get it straight now.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, Missionary Hobbs,” Envy commented sarcastically. “Speaking of a good thing, what’s up with you and Dennis?”
“We’re friends. We talk on the phone, sometimes we go to dinner, or take in a movie. We have a wonderful relationship. We spend a considerable amount of time talking and laughing. We spend most of our time away from our homes. We take long walks along Tom Lee Park, when the weather permits; just simple, fun things. He’s living a celibate life and so am I. But y’all believe in giving up the booty. I’m sorry to say, but that’s what’s got you in the trouble you’re in now, Kacie.”